Each year Arlington Wrestling recognizes certain athletes that have demonstrated qualities that set them apart from their teammates.
Arlington Wrestling Teammate Award
The teammate award recognizes a wrestler, as selected by his teammates, that consistently demonstrates the qualities of an exemplary teammate: one who helps, pushes, cares for, and does whatever is asked for his fellow wrestlers.
2018-2019 Justin Donahue (Senior)
2017-2018 Justin Donahue (Junior)
2016-2017 Todd Roaten (Senior)
2015-2016 Michael Mowery (Senior)
2014-2015 Will Craft (Senior)
Arlington Wrestling Workhorse Award
The workhorse award recognizes a wrestler that day-in and day-out comes to practice and conditioning and works harder than anyone in the room and on the mat. This individual is always working to improve. A workhorse never gives up, never cut corners, always does an extra rep and does so with a positive attitude.
2018-2019 Austin Antcliffe (Senior)
2017-2018 Harrison Phillips (Senior)
2016-2017 Aaron Moore (Senior)
2015-2016 Keith Dowell (Senior)
2014-2015 Michael Mowery (Junior)
Arlington Wrestling Leadership Award
The leadership award recognizes a wrestler, as selected the team, that throughout the season demonstrates the qualities of integrity, hard work, good judgement, and a willingness to lead by example. This wrestler is a leader and automatically becomes a team captain in the following season.
2018-2019 Hayden Baudoin (Sophomore)
2017-2018 Austin Antcliffe & Reed Cannon (Juniors) (tie)
2016-2017 Austin Antcliffe (Sophomore)
2015-2016 Todd Roaten & Aaron Moore (Juniors) (tie)
2014-2015 Austin Baudoin (Sophomore)
Israel Cordero Wrestler Award
The Wrestler Award is named for the founding coach of the program and is earned by the wrestler, as selected by the coaching staff, that exemplifies the qualities of sportsmanship, hardwork and dedication both on and off the mat. This individual is always thinking of the team first and themselves second and does what is right all the time, even if the right thing is not always easy. This student athlete stands out as a leader other team members willingly follow.
2018-2019 Reed Cannon & Luke Kerns (Seniors) (tie)
2017-2018 Caleb Morgan (Senior)
2016-2017 Simon Knauss (Senior)
2015-2016 Todd Roaten (Junior)
2014-2015 Reid Cacaro (Senior)